Quiet your inner critic and finally feel good enough.

Self-esteem therapy in Orlando

Get help for self-criticism, imposter syndrome, and people pleasing.


Are you sick of hearing “you’re too hard on yourself”?

If life is a journey, you’re prepared– bag carefully packed, phone charged, GPS set, and itinerary planned for when you arrive at your destination. 

Everyone around you is in awe of all that you do, and yet, it’s hard for you not to see the ways you could be doing better…maybe you should have brought healthier snacks, anticipated the rain, or caught up on work before you left.

Perfectionism has been your companion on the road to achieving your goals. At best, your high expectations drive you toward growth. At worst, self-doubt and criticism stop you before you ever begin the trek.

With aspirations so big, it’s hard to ever feel satisfied with your progress.

For ambitious, Type A’s the bar for success is a moving target, leaving you frustrated, overwhelmed, and stuck quite often.

Do you?

  • Give so much that you often feel depleted.

  • Blame or criticize yourself when things get hard.

  • Feel like you’re not (smart, attractive, or successful) enough.

  • Get stuck in analysis paralysis when trying to make decisions.

  • Seek reassurance and compare yourself to others.

Self-esteem therapy in Orlando can help you replace self-criticism with self-acceptance.

It’s possible to accept yourself for who you are. I know it seems like life would be better if you could fix all your flaws, but honestly, how has that been going? You don’t have to settle for conditional self-love.

I’ll help you find the quiet confidence that exists inside of you by connecting with your inner knowing. You’ll learn more about yourself, and over time you’ll start to recognize your worth. 

We’ll team up against your inner critic, armed with curiosity and self-compassion. I’m not saying it will be quick or easy, but it will be worth it when you can show up authentically and whole-heartedly in life.



Self-esteem therapy heals your relationship with yourself.

Know yourself

All healthy relationships begin with a solid foundation of knowing one another. It’s the same for your relationship with yourself. In therapy, you’ll get to know yourself through curiosity and reflection. I’ll help you understand your emotions, needs, fears, and desires.

Nurture yourself

With newfound understanding, it will be easier to treat yourself with kindness & compassion. You’ll learn to give yourself grace for the flaws that make you human. I’ll remind you to approach difficulties with non-judgment. You’ll practice nurturing your mind, body, & spirit.

Grow unshakeable

Once you’re strongly rooted in self-knowing and self-compassion, you become unshakeable. Self-doubts and old, unhelpful beliefs may still creep up, but you’ll stand firm in your truth. Outside opinions and judgments will no longer dictate your decisions or define your self-worth.


Self-esteem therapy in Orlando can help you:

  • Feel stable in who you are

  • Manage imposter syndrome

  • Decrease the need for external validation

  • Overcome people-pleasing tendencies

  • Trust yourself


Common questions about self-esteem therapy in Orlando:

  • The phrase low self-esteem might bring to mind someone who constantly puts themselves down, struggles with relationships, or isn’t successful in their career. While this could be true, anyone can struggle with self-esteem, including highly successful, well-liked people.

    Self-esteem is the degree to which you see yourself as capable, successful, and worthy. Outward measures don’t mean much when it comes to self-esteem, it’s how you feel inside.

    If you have imposter syndrome, poor body image, persistent self-doubt, or feelings of not-enoughness, you may be struggling with self-esteem.

  • There are several reasons therapy might not have been helpful. It could be timing, a not-ideal fit with your therapist, or because you haven’t gotten to the root of the problem.

    Self-esteem is one of those deeper issues that can underlie other mental health problems. The way you see yourself has a big impact on how you approach your life and relationships. Therapy for self-esteem can have a positive ripple effect on your life overall.

  • Yes. Some people view self-esteem as a state, meaning it’s relatively stable throughout your life. I’d say that’s true without intervention. But I believe, and research shows, that self-esteem is changeable with consistent practice. Therapy provides a safe, non-judgmental environment to figure out what needs to change.

  • There’s no magic number of sessions. The timeline for therapy depends on your specific goals, which we’ll discuss.

    Self-esteem is established during childhood/adolescence and reinforced with self-talk and daily habits into adulthood, so it takes time and practice to strengthen.

    My clients typically feel relief right away from being seen and understood. Most improve the way they treat themselves and approach relationships in months time. Some stick around longer because they find it helpful to have a space to consistently practice self-esteem promoting habits.

Let’s discover the good that’s already inside of you.